16 Oct
Las Vegas, NV
SMASH 2023
SMASH 2023

Greystone is excited to be in Las Vegas for the Senior Care Marketing and Sales Summit!

If you're attending, be sure to check out our session:

Finding Meaning in Metrics: A Practical Guide for Sales Teams | Mary Jane Fitts and Matt McMahan
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 11:00 AM PST

Sales and marketing metrics can tell many different stories. By using analytics, strategic planning, efficient time management, and progressing prospects through the sales cycle you can start to unearth the true stories that your metrics are telling you. Mary Jane and Matt will share how the successful use Greystone’s ‘real-time laboratory’ helps teams identify their true prospect stories by leveraging sales and marketing metrics.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to prevent being misled by metrics that present a deceiving story.
  • Discuss where messaging needs adjustments due to lead quality that is high in volume yet mismatched with the sales outcomes and the customer needs - it could be the marketing strategy as a whole is the problem.
  • How to use analytics in your sales process.
  • Discuss how to use analytics in your sales process to drive occupancy and revenue.
  • How to find meaningful metrics for sales teams.
  • Efficient time management, strategic planning, and progressing sales are the fundamental components to produce meaningful metrics and successful outcomes.

Other upcoming events

Sales Adventure 2025
Feb 3
Sales Adventure 2025

Be sure to check out our session:

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