How Master Planning Is Stewardship for Organization to Serve and Grow Their Mission | Stuart Jackson, Carson Parr (RLPS), Tom Garvin (Waverly Heights), Kate Hershey (Presbyterian Senior Living)
Wednesday, June 11, 2025, at 12:30 p.m. ET
The 'why' behind master planning is multi-faceted, but its foundational reason is to help organizations of all shapes and sizes to maintain, serve and grow their missions through their physical spaces. Many people have been the fortunate beneficiaries of a built environment that is warm and welcoming, has intuitive wayfinding and ease of navigation, and is purpose built for visitor comfort – creating the desire to return again and again.
Almost everyone has had the unfortunate experience of visiting a built environment and being confused by how to find the entrance, exit or navigating in between. These negative experiences are typically due to the absence of master planning – roads, buildings, additions, etc. spring up (or out) in the most convenient and seemingly least expensive locations, only to become pricey roadblocks to necessary future development.
A seasoned team of financial and planning advisors, along with senior living providers will break the master planning process down into bite-size steps that can (and should) be taken by any organization contemplating the roadmap for their future. They will start with basic facility assessment strategies that lead to informed decision-making about existing infrastructure investment, and then explore how market and financial assessments are key early steps on the path to success. Providers will show real-world examples of how master planning has had positive impacts on their communities and share lessons learned along the way.