29 Jan
Timing Is Everything: Leveraging Your Future Resident Interest Campaign
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Great storytellers, comedians, and politicians all share one vital skill: impeccable timing. They know how to warm up their audience, keep them hooked, and then land the perfect punchline or point at just the right moment.

The same principle applies to senior living sales and marketing. Timing can make or break your sales program success. It's not just about being the first to respond to a prospect browsing your site. It's about aligning your message with where the prospect is in their decision-making journey. How do you deliver maximum value at the exact right moment to secure your sales goals?

Many providers have fallen into the trap of sharing information about a new program, service or expansion in its earliest stage of planning; this excitement to share the story can result in a slow leak of inconsistent or changing information that can hinder sales efforts and jeopardize your ability to broaden the market.

Success lies in knowing when to hold back and when to launch your message into the market. A well-timed campaign to support your next sales initiative isn’t just strategic—it’s essential. These campaigns often take the form of a "Future Resident" or “Priority” Program that may precede the introduction of all types of expansions, new programs or contract offerings, and new life plan communities. These programs are designed to identify, engage, and secure interest from potential residents. It is a “long game” investment in consumer engagement that can take on many different forms. So why does timing matter?

Why Timing Matters

1. Buyer Readiness

Buying into a Life Plan Community can be a daunting process for most prospects. It’s emotional, financial, and deeply personal. Prospects often need time to confront the realities of aging and plan for their future. Rushing them into a decision creates resistance. The Future Resident or Priority Program gives them time to warm up to the idea, which can greatly enhance their readiness to make a commitment down the line.

2. Market Conditions

Timing your launch means understanding the bigger picture—market trends, seasonal fluctuations, and economic factors. Armed with data, you can strike when the conditions are most favorable.

3. Creating Urgency

Independent seniors don’t feel rushed. Many believe they can wait indefinitely. Educating them on the “why” behind planning now, before a major life or health event hits, is key. Explaining the importance of planning will help them establish a road map for their future.

4. Building Trust

Selling a Life Plan Community is about more than amenities and access to future services. It’s about trust. Prospects need time to move from initial curiosity to rapport with the sales team, and finally, to full commitment and selecting a unit/contract.

5. Gaining a Competitive Edge

Your sales team must enter the game prepared. Market intelligence should shape your strategy, from understanding competitors to knowing what matters most to your prospects. A premature launch without these insights risks falling flat.

Securing Prospect Engagement

A well-timed Future Resident or Priority Program can inform product development and pricing and serve as a strong referral base. These programs also provide a market feedback loop that creates an opportunity to adjust how you access and message your value proposition in the market. Securing future resident or priority program members provides a better opportunity to secure more presales when embarking on an expansion or new campus, which reduces financial risk and supports occupancy growth.

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